Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Etsy Marketing has featured an article on me!

Right after I starting posting the crochet video series, I announced it on the Etsy forums. I had met folks there who were anxious to learn crochet, and I thought a video tutorial was the next best thing to learning in a real classroom situation.

Anyway, Etsymarketing.ortg contacted me, and asked me to write an article about vlogging, (using videos for teaching purposes on personal blogs). You can view the article by clicking in the black, white and gray box entitled "Featured Author Etsy Marketing" in the sidebar, or click on the followign link that will also take you to the page:


Stay tuned for more updates, and thank you all for your support!


  1. Congrats!

    You've won awards at


    Linda :)

  2. Wow! That's very cool! Feel free to add the link to your tutorial to "Make & Tell". Here's the link to this month's post...http://the6oclockstitch.blogspot.com/2009/03/make-tell-monday.html

    So nice to meet you!
